Monday, July 5, 2010

The Bracelet by Yoshiko Uchida

Yoshiko Uchida published over thirty books over the course of her career. The author was interned in camps for Japanese Americans during WW II. She is known for creating a body of children's Japanese literature; a rarity for that time. Uchida was born in 1921 and passed away in 1992. She once quoted "I try to stress the positive aspects of life that I want children to value and cherish. I hope they can be caring human beings who don't think in terms of labels--foreigners or Asians or whatever--but think of people as human beings. If that comes across, then I've accomplished my purpose."

The Bracelet is a story about a young Japanese girl preparing to go to interment camp. Emi is forced to leave her best friend who brings her a bracelet to remember her by. Emi looses the bracelet as she is helping to clean out an abandoned stable that will serve as her families new home. Emi is very upset that she has lost the bracelet but she learns that she does not need things to remember her friend by. Emi discovers that she will never forget her best friend and the times that they had shared.

Some other books by Yoshiko Uchida are:
A Jar of Dreams, Journey Home, Invisible Thread, and Journey to Topaz


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